Wireless SD Cards - Worth it?

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Hey guys,

Got myself a 700D today after your advice in a previous thread regarding getting back into the hobby.

I've seen a lot about Eye-Fi cards and similar lately, and they massively appeal to me. Just being able to upload when in range of my iMac or iOS devices rather than faff with cables etc. But are they too good to be true? Does the functionality come at the cost of speed?

Does anyone on here use them and are they worth it? For example if I come home after a day out with the family, turn my camera on, will my iMac pick it up and upload them to my Lightroom catalogue? Or is that wishful thinking?

I've got wireless built in to my 70d and tbh, other than testing it out once, I haven't bothered using it.

Wireless like most things has it's limits and speed is definitely one of them. If you're trying to transfer a few jpgs it would be fine but I wouldn't like to transfer 16-32GB of raw files over a regular wireless connection, much less my camera's connection.

A good USB 3 card reader and fast SD cards would always be my preferred choice, much like an Ethernet connection is always preferred to wireless if I'm trying to do something productive. Wireless if fine for a bit of browsing or a light bit of streaming but unless you have a phobia of cables then I personally wouldn't bother hehe :)
As I thought, nice idea but not always practical. Will spend that extra that wireless cost on a faster card

Thanks :)
If you were planning to use wireless for the remote control capabilities then that's one thing but just for file transfer is a waste of time imo
For serious photography they are pretty useless, typically they don't transfer RAW and I'm any case very slow.

Saying that my little Olympus epm2 that I use for non serious work came with a free wireless SD card. It can be quite handy for casuaul stuff giving you the ease of a smartphone and the quality of a DSLR. Handy on vacation to send some straight from camera jpgs to family etc.
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