Wireless Video Senders

8 Feb 2004
Hi... Respost from the home/cinema forum as I didn't get any response there.

Sorry if this has been asked before... I'm looking for a wireless video sender that can transmit the output from a sky box to multiple recievers... Needs to go up a floor and through a thick wall. Anyone have experience with these and can recommend something? I dont mind paying a premium for something that will give a good picture.

If you were to purchase a Dreambox you could use that as your main Sky receiver. But you'd also have the option of viewing/recording output across the ethernet interface on your PC for example.

If you bought more than one Dreambox you could also link them together in a process known as card-sharing. Much the same way Sky Multiroom works, but without the fee, and you'd be free to watch whatever programs you wanted on whichever receiver.

With an octo LNB (eight outputs) this would be easily acheived, and you could still run your main Sky+ box for example if you wanted (but you'd need an additional Sky subscription card for that, think Multiroom).
Using the Dreambox you can equip it with a wireless ethernet converter so you can watch programs from your PC remotely.

If you just want to watch a single program on a bunch of TVs a video sender is probably your best/cheapest option.

Try Googling Digisender X4.
Excellent, I think a dreambox + wireless ethernet is exactly what I am after. Will save me from having to convert the scart so I can run it in to my monitor. Thanks for the advice! Can you recommend a wireless ethernet convertor for the dreambox?
I should point out you need to be fairly Linux savvy in order to setup a Dreambox. That said there's plenty guides and support around if you need it.

Take a look at this forum for a start - http://www.satpimps.com/forum?

As for an ethernet converter I recently bought the Buffalo WLA2-G54C from ebay for the bargain price of 12inc. This can then be flashed with custom Linux firmware to add far more features - http://www.dd-wrt.com/dd-wrtv2/index.php

Here's a great list of why anybody should get a Dreambox : )

1. At the most basic, it’s a damn good receiver, excellent picture and audio quality.
2. If you have official subscription cards/cam, they’ll work in it.
3. If you have unofficial subscription cards/cam, they’ll probably work in it too!.
4. It has inbuilt games, and lots of ‘em.
5. You have a choice of “skins” so you can change the appearance to suit your taste.
6. It has capacity for unlimited no. of channels.
7. It has a massive support network on the web, tons of programs / addons etc.
8. It has DiSEqC / Usals / UHF loop (not 500 series) / Digital Audio out …
9. It is a PVR, add your own HDD and off you go (not 500 series).
10. It has USB port / CF reader to add more flash memory to store more games / addons etc (not 500 series)
11. The remote control will also control your tv (not 500 series)
12. It has LCD screen to show channel / volume / time etc. (not 500 series)
13. Most importantly, it has Ethernet port!

From your Dreambox…
14. You can connect to internet via pc / router to download addons / skins / games and lots more
15. You can set up a cardshare, for example to watch encrypted channels on Dreambox in bedroom using card on box in sitting room
16. You can watch a DVD that being played in PC's DVD drive
17. You can connect to your PC and record to PC’s HDD if you haven’t a drive in the Dreambox
18. You can view photos and play music and video files stored on PC

From your PC, and from a remote PC via Web…
19. You can send / receive files from Dreambox
20. You can easily update software “image” in Dreambox
21. You can connect to Dreambox web interface through Internet Explorer / Firefox and have full control over it, change channels etc.
22. You can watch live TV stream, excellent picture quality on home PC, difficult to set up on remote PC
23. You can view EPG on PC, and set timer to record
24. You can type a message and send it to TV screen from anywhere on the Web
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