Wish I'd had my camera with me tonight!!

9 Dec 2003
Up here in northern Minnesota we got a little bit of snow tonight. And a little wind as well.

My 17 mile drive home from work at 1:00 AM took EVERY ounce of my driving skill (not to toot my own horn, but I have a considerable amount), and it also took every bit of 4WD goodness my little turtle (Toyota Tercel 4WD station wagon) could stick on the road!!

Turning off the main road onto my dirt road I was faced with a slight challenge :
Just where exactly WAS my road!! :eek:

The fields on either side of the road, the 6 foot deep ditches, and the road itself were all blended in to the exact same level!! It was a perfectly flat white plain.....

So I lined up the road's weight limit sign, a small tree that I know is growing in the opposite ditch, and another small street sign a little further down the road and just aimed right down the middle of the three!!

Got to my dirveway safe and sound, but there was a slight moment of panic there when I realised I couldn't identify my street!! ;)

I'll go out in the morning and take a picture, but the effect will be spoiled by the fact that my two neighbors will have driven down the road, leaving thier tire marks to show the road. Of course, they will have followed mine to get there.... :p
1986 Tercel Wagon 4X4 SR5
193,000 rusted out miles and still going strong!!
Treefrog said:
And it has to be said: TTIUWP! ;)

Heh, considering it's 2:37AM right now, pics are a little out of the question without firing the car back up so I can use the spotlight. And let me tell you, after my drive home that just ain't happenin', know what I mean?!?! ;)

Give me about 4 - 4.5 hours when I get ready to send my son off to school (if it's not cancelled) and I'll get you pics as it'll at least be somewhat light out at that point.. :D
Oh, it is. It's really pretty to look at. But an absolute NIGHTMARE to drive in!!!

Anyways, I need to get to bed if I'm going to get ANYTHING resembling sleep. Even if it's only four hours' worth......
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