witch operating system is best for gaming??

12 Jun 2007
Well basically when i got 2 more gigs of ram i changed to windows xp 64 bit and it was quite **** as soundcard does not work at it some programs do not work to like windows media player 10 and higher. source based games get super low fps(40 - 60 ) and before i got (high 100 - 200) other games are fine.

I quite liked xp 32 bit as everything worked fine in it just that it does read more then 3.25 gigs or ram and i have 4. Hows windows vista 64bit?
i have vista home premium 64bit OEM. Works perfectly fine for me, everything loads noticibly faster then it did when i was on XP, i have had no driver issues at all (although i only adopted vista 3 weeks ago, so most driver problems were sorted b4 i got it). I play games perfectly fine and have had no problems with ingame graphics or anything like that.

One thing i suggest though, b4 you consider upgrading, check if you even need to use all 4gb of ram, as when you are gaming, you may not even need to use all 4gb. So if you dont even need access to all of your ram, maybe wait until you do to spend money on vista, by which time it could drop in price, and fix the bugs that some people have.
I'd just use XP32 if I were you, I've got 4GB and I'm still on XP32 and only using 3GB. I don't think you will notice the loss of 1GB anyway in XP and you've always got the RAM there if you want to go to Vista. Until Vista offers better gaming performance or something which I cant do in XP I'm sticking with XP.
Xp32 runs best.

Only use vista X64 for ram intensive games, as vista allows sharing the system ram with vid ram and also allows for more as 2 gb per app usage, it's needed sometimes on big supreme commander maps in the late game ( need to apply a small mod to the .exe first tho, as it's a 32 bit exe...).
Or if you have a lot of background apps in xp ( I have, 600 mb worth) and you happen to get hdd stutter vista x64 with 4gb might be better too, as the game would be able to use 2 gb instead of 1400 mb....

You should be lucky you get 3.25 gb in xp 32, mine only detects 2gb :(.
Still in xp32 one single app can't use more than 2gb, so unless u got 1.25 gb of background stuff, 3.25 gb is useless in 32 bit apps.
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Until Vista offers better gaming performance or something which I cant do in XP I'm sticking with XP.

Theres lots of things xp can't do that vista can, and the gaming performance is practically the same. In some cases vista is faster and in others its slightly slower.

Mind you most people still base their opinions on year old benchmarks. :(
well i don't do much stuff on pc just gaming. finished crysis will not play that again anyway now mainly i leave like 10-15 web windows open and play source games (cs:s, hl2, tf2, etc..) or cod4 , listening to music and vent thats it basically
I base my opinion on my own views, Supcom ran definatly worse.

Vista is mostly slower in pretty much everything, except windows usage & loading sometimes.
Hence I keep to xp mostly still, got 100+ games installed here and cba to install em all on Vista, will gradually move when I'll install most new games on Vista.

well i don't do much stuff on pc just gaming. finished crysis will not play that again anyway now mainly i leave like 10-15 web windows open and play source games (cs:s, hl2, tf2, etc..) or cod4 , listening to music and vent thats it basically

Well idk for you but for me, 1 iexplorer window with 8 tabs eats 175 mb of RAM.

If anyone notices Ram shortage he/she should close everything except the game.
well on xp 64 bit wind cs:s running ventrilo about 10 firefox windows with some tabs and steamfriends 700-800 ram is used. i think i'll stick with xp 32 bit for the moment anyway hope it clears my problems
well installed xp 32bit pro genuine reads 3.25 gb or ram works fine for now my sound card started to work webcam, did not try any games yet installing now
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