Witcher 3 / Fallout 4 on 21:9

21 Nov 2014
Hey all,

Which would be the more appropriate place to post this? Monitors forum or Games forum?

I just recently bought both of these. FO4 because I managed to get a very reasonable price on it, and W3 because it was 50% off on Friday just gone.

I game in 21:9 - 2560x1080 and I want to make sure I'm getting the best experience possible.

Fallout 4, I had to set my resolution manually in the INI files before I could play as the engine did not pick it up by itself. That is all I've done. The HUD doesn't take up the whole screen I don't think (must confess, now I'm writing this I can't actually remember!)

The Witcher 3 thread is over 200 pages long so I can't really sit there and read everything. I downloaded a hacked exe file which I think did something to remove the black borders in conversations and the HUD is fixed anyway so I think I'm good but as I say, want to make sure I'm not missing out.

Not sure it really matters but my system is i7 6700 Skylake w16GB ram and a GTX970. I'm not on Ultra for the W3 which is dissapointing to put it mildly but when I did try it my GPU sounded like it was going to explode!
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