WMP + HD video

18 Oct 2002
Welsh Wales
How do I know if this is working. Do you still need to patch media player to get it to work, or is it graphic driver related.
I have a few HD videos, latest WMP: V10.00.00.4019, Forceware 84.43's, and Nvidia purevideo decoder installed.
Thanks Paul :)
Logan09 said:
How do you know if what is working? If you mean is purevideo working, then surly you'll know because the HD videos are playing? Also there is a purevideo icon in the taskbar when it's in use.
You used to need a patch for WMP to get HD samples working properly. Is that still the case. The purevideo decoder will only kick in for DVD and M-peg2 (I believe) It does show an icon in the sytem tray when I play a movie/vid of that file type.
I didn't ask very clearly did I :) Basically do you still need to patch WMP to view HD videos correctly.

The Dude Abides!
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