WMP10 Media Info!

10 Dec 2003
Hidy ho partners!

Right, in WMP10, if I have a file called;

Coldplay - Speed of Sound (for example)

It searches for the album art and it's all good. But, as all my music is sorted properly by Coldplay/X&Y (2003)/07 - Speed of Sound.mp3; WMP can't seem to find the album cover for it.

All the ID3 Tags for all my media is correct and all filled in, but still, no result.

Anyway I can sort this?


OvertoneBliss said:
Anyway I can sort this?

Rather easily.

It's a function which has been introduced to newer versions of WMP. The Track Analytic Search/Test/Execute ('TASTE').

To disable it, delete all your Coldplay mp3s.

Penski is right... with the introduction of WMP10 some of the files are stored in a temporary area in case you decide to play them... if you enable the TASTE option WMP10 will flush this temporary cache (including any Coldplay that might happen to reside in there)... also, if you have a burned, it will scribe your Coldplay CDs into something that can have a productive lifespan - a blank CD.
HAHA this is class :D. Although WMP did stop me from ripping one of my Muse cds :mad:.

To the op, delete all coldplay tracks and put mustard on the cds... does the job.
this may sound sarcastic, but you could try not using WMP10 as it's crap...can you not add artwork manually?
Sic said:
this may sound sarcastic, but you could try not using WMP10 as it's crap...can you not add artwork manually?

I like WMP10, though. It tickles my sensitive bits and it's really grown into me. It's blood, brother. Blood.*

* Sad attempt at humour.

OvertoneBliss said:
I like WMP10, though. It tickles my sensitive bits and it's really grown into me. It's blood, brother. Blood.*

* Sad attempt at humour.

iTunes is your friend :p

Have you tried it?
A random name said:
iTunes is your friend :p

Have you tried it?

Why would you do that?

Winamp's media library is better than WMP10's and theres many more skins, it's quicker, has more plugins, you can search within playlists instantly, searching the media library takes <1sec, The visualisations are better(Milkdrop f.t.w :D) and it is less of a resource hog, although mp10 doesn't really either.

Itunes is bad in comparison imo.
georges said:
Why would you do that?

Winamp's media library is better than WMP10's and theres many more skins, it's quicker, has more plugins, you can search within playlists instantly, searching the media library takes <1sec, The visualisations are better(Milkdrop f.t.w :D) and it is less of a resource hog, although mp10 doesn't really either.

Itunes is bad in comparison imo.
iTunes > *

A random name said:
iTunes is your friend :p

Have you tried it?

If anything Itunes is worse, at least wmp doesnt have 50 extra rescources using up memory, like ipodservice.exe and ituneshelper.exe Is it any wonder that apple have to force it onto people with the quicktime download (which may I add in itself uses loads of resources).
Energize said:
I never said I was naming all of them :p Anyway it shouldnt have any extra processes.
Well.... You can disable the ipodservice.exe if you don't have an iPod, but if you have an iPod it's needed to detect the iPod when it's plugged in for iTunes, so that's not all bad ;) So it's only one extra process :p
Let's be fair to the guy, he probably only has coldplay on there so his 'down with the kids' parent's can have something to listen to when they come round! ;)

Seriously though, have you made sure you've set both the 'artist' and 'album artist' tags? WMP10 seems to need both tags set to search for stuff properly. Failing that try downloading Album Art Fixer. It's a very good app that's helped me loads sorting my album art out in WMP.

Personally though, if I didn't have to use WMP (I have MCE and to use the music stuff in that you need to have your library in WMP) I'd be using itunes or winamp instead. I'm eagerly awaiting WMP11 as I'm hoping they'll have fixed these kinds of issues (I've had a couple of albums that just refused to display album art no matter what I did).
Thanks for that, I'll try it out and see if their is anymore I can do.

Regarding Coldplay, I'm not ashamed of enjoying their music; they're a good band. Each to their own and all that. :)

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