Im so angry I cant tell you, The factory fit 6 CD changer has been stolen from the mondeo. The alarm went off about 6:20, but I was at the window like a shot, i'm a light sleeper, our road is a cul de sac and it was light by now, i saw no one and heard no engines and so I think it actually took place earlier and the alarm may have failed to go off.
Whats the record like with these? Should I look in to a new alarm?
There goes my day, got to sort the glass out and get a new cd now. Its a shame aswell as I wont be able to get another 6 cd changer now, because the ******* little ****** will just take it again. Why the hell should I be stopped from having nice things by a ******* bunch of ***** that think they can take what they want.
Im so furious.
The thing that has really shocked me about myself though, is that I got straight in my mums car and went for a drive around, I swear to god, If I had of found them I WOULD have killed them, or been killed trying, THATS how mad I am.
Who the hell do some people think that they are.
I have seen these models on ebay for near £200, so I couldnt afford a new one if I wanted one, anyone else had one stolen? What do you reckon, stolen to order or just something for ebay?
Im off to calm down and call the rac for the window. (They anygood btw?)
Whats the record like with these? Should I look in to a new alarm?
There goes my day, got to sort the glass out and get a new cd now. Its a shame aswell as I wont be able to get another 6 cd changer now, because the ******* little ****** will just take it again. Why the hell should I be stopped from having nice things by a ******* bunch of ***** that think they can take what they want.
Im so furious.
The thing that has really shocked me about myself though, is that I got straight in my mums car and went for a drive around, I swear to god, If I had of found them I WOULD have killed them, or been killed trying, THATS how mad I am.
Who the hell do some people think that they are.
I have seen these models on ebay for near £200, so I couldnt afford a new one if I wanted one, anyone else had one stolen? What do you reckon, stolen to order or just something for ebay?
Im off to calm down and call the rac for the window. (They anygood btw?)
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