
30 Dec 2004
bored with some of the latest games I thought I would fire up return to castle wolfenstein & had forgotten just how good this game was.

the parts where you meet the half human / machine creatures from the Nazi experiment labs gave me a few jumps when they burst thru the walls lol & the uber soldiers take some serious hits to get them down

Its not bad in the graphics department either with everything on full.

all in all I would recommend anyone who has not played this to get a cheap copy off ebay or local shop & give it a go, far more playable than some more recent games I reckon & still an active community playing it online as well
Played this online loads but never really did much in the way of single player, might install it again and try to get through it all :)
I wasn't overly impressed. Played the multiplayer on LAN and hated it due to poor visibility of enemies etc. The single player was a bit lifeless and I think I got stuck a couple of levels in, not being sure where to go etc.

I think part of it's success was down to being one of the first Q3 engine SP shooters to hit the market, tbh.
Fillado said:
Played this online loads but never really did much in the way of single player, might install it again and try to get through it all :)

I found the online game monotonous whereas the single player is very well scripted & with some excellent 'experimental ' weapons to play with.
I am playing it on hard difficulty with more enemies & less supplies /health

The cable car ride is good & some of the outdoor levels require stealth to avoid setting off the sirens if your spotted from the watchtowers, once you get the special sniper rifle you can take the guards out from a great distance before they can set off the alarm
There is still an excellent community online for wolf. The clan I am a member of is one of the best supported in the MP world. Destruction,see my sig. Rotation is now history instead, single maps such as Destruction. Beach and Base rule the nest.

TWL still have a ladder for this game all beit a deminished one.
I have just recently left the game after playing many years online. I have to say, it the best game I have ever ever played. I loved every minute of it. I have tried other online games and absolutlely nothing has come near it... apart from ET. ET was not what the RTCW community was actually hoping for. It never visually looked complete and the rate of fire and sounds were inferior to Wolf.

I do still play ET as it has a much larger online community and if you, as I have, have been playing wolf online. You are a god amongst men when you play ET.

RCTW 10/10

Lets hope the spin off Enemy Territory Quake Wars does what ET shoud have done and take it to another level of detail and immersion.
I too used to love this online too and can list loads of things I prefer in RTCW over ET, although I seem to have followed the sheep and only play ET now.

The beach map I could play over and over again it was such a well balanced map and I used to love sitting ontop of forward bunker and stopping ppl getting to the door let alone the docs and having ppl cry hack.

It did need a bit of tweaking to see long range but once you had all the settings down it was a joy to play. It also seemed to run a lot smoother than ET, im sure i ran at 1600x1200 and was still pulling in 125 fps (only get 76 on ET with same settings) Vertex lighting in RTCW made it run a lot better on my rig and also brightened it up (removing all shadows) - removed from ET.
Also as above said ROF and pace of game is a lot quicker and maps are a lot smaller and fastpaced.
I played RTCW online almost exclusively for 2 years. Good game and had some great times and great matches and was part of a tournament winning team.

I had the fortune to play against the best teams in England at the time (and got my butt royally kicked by them too!).

Good memories for me although I haven't played it in years now but if you've never played it I'd say give it a go too.

I was just thinking about RTCW the other day. It's one of the true great games that you can never get bored of. :D

*Goes off to install it after 2 or so years*
I think this thread should be renamed 'return to return to castle wolfenstein lol

you mostly mention the MP but the single player is brilliant & if you get stuck, & I did a couple of times even tho I played it before lol, there are loads of walkthru's etc still on google.
Just been playing it for the last few hours :D Still a brilliant game to play although you can tell the graphics are 5 years old, it really still is pretty good.
heh I built my last pc just so I could play this & AvP2. Fantastic game imo :D
I loved that crypt level where you 1st encounter the undead enemies. I was thinking last night about reinstalling it & seeing what it looks like with everything maxed out.
Tried the multiplayer game one afternoon but it seemed to be full of prepubescent kids intent on ruining it for everyone so I went back to UT where it was so much more mature :rolleyes: :p
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