Wolfs (20 September 2024)

Love the idea, riffing on the Harvey Keitel character from Pulp fiction "Mr Wolf" who 'cleans up' for people, and I love the casting as well, but from just that trailer to go on the 'spark' that these pair had in the Oceans films just isn't there, although its still early days with a limited trailer I suppose.

I realise that the writer/director Jon Watts isn't a well known name but he's written and directed the Tom Holland Spiderman films for Sony which were good so I'm not sure thats the issue with the lack of 'spark'.
but from just that trailer to go on the 'spark' that these pair had in the Oceans films just isn't there

Clooney hasn't pushed himself in a role for decades. He seems quite content to live life on easy mode, taking the odd role here and there. He's also dabbled with directing and it turns out he's not very good at it. Plus he's made a ******** of money off tequila, so he doesn't have to work as much.
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Love the idea, riffing on the Harvey Keitel character from Pulp fiction "Mr Wolf" who 'cleans up' for people, and I love the casting as well, but from just that trailer to go on the 'spark' that these pair had in the Oceans films just isn't there, although its still early days with a limited trailer I suppose.

I realise that the writer/director Jon Watts isn't a well known name but he's written and directed the Tom Holland Spiderman films for Sony which were good so I'm not sure thats the issue with the lack of 'spark'.

Nope your wrong, that looks great fun :)
I really enjoyed this. The dynamic between the characters is a bit different, but I think they still mange to pull of a similar spark to Danny and Rusty in the Ocean's films. George Clooney beats out Brad in this imo.

The bits with George Clooney driving the BMW were so cool, and I can't even explain why. Just him driving a car for 2 hours, with Brad Pitt as a passenger is a potential box office hit (or maybe streaming :p ).

I think I read somewhere that the 2 main stars were unhappy that this didn't get released to the cinema as originally planned (or if it did it wasn't as long as they had agreed). Hopefully that doesn't stop them making a sequel, even if it is just for Apple TV+.


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