Women, Supermarkets, and 'Reduced Items'... why??

20 Oct 2002
London, UK
Argh, why do women always think that because they see 10 reduced items on a supermarket shelf (usually only each reduced by something lame like 30p as well) they think they've just found a goldmine and then decide they must buy ALL of them, only to later realise that 75% of it ends up in the bin, as there's no physical way it can all be eaten before it goes off, meaning we would've been better off buying the higher quality stuff with better taste, and spent exactly the same money without throwing away any food :rolleyes:.

Ladies, some would think you'd learn from your mistakes as you're dropping your 900th expired pack of reduced ham into the bin, but NO, the very next time you go shopping you insist on doing it all over again! What in gods name is wrong with you? Why do you do it? :p Do you not realise that there's a reason these items are reduced??

My theory is that purchasing something with a bright red "SALE" sticker or bright yellow "reduced" tag gives you ladies some kind of buzz. Then later on you have the cheek to say we all need to save money by turning the heating down to 15°C and that we should all wear wooly sweaters indoors to stay warm...

I don't know about anyone else, but for me personally, I don't like wearing jumpers/sweaters indoors. I kinda like having my forearms naked :mad:

There is nothing wrong with picking up a few reduced items in the supermarket, you must live in a very strange world if you think otherwise.
"a few reduced items" ...? Did you even read the OP ? I'm talking about things like buying 6 of those huge packs of large sausage rolls which expire in 2 days' time, just cos they have a "50p off" reduced sticker on them, then they end up in the bin because there's way too much food that can't be finished.

He does, he lives in one where you sit around you house in a t-shirt with the heating on wasting money left right and centre but gets stressed about a few quid on some reduced goodies.

"some reduced goodies" ?
"wasting money left right and centre" ? Just Because I like to wear tshirts indoors? err ok chap, whatever you say :confused:

I think this guy lives in a world where you can selectively pick and choose words from a thread post and infer your own completely wild and completely guessed conclusions :rolleyes:
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never said it was important per sé, just something that's irritating that can easily be fixed by some normal logical thinking and common sense, and I don't think its ONLY women who do it, but I'm convinced they are the majority of culprits. :p
Well I have never seen anyone do that. I always checked the reduced section, get stuff I can use straight away or freeze. You can often get much better stuff for less and it's foolish not to even have a look.
Yep, I completely agree so long as it's done sensibly. But also our freezer is already jam packed including a lot of reduced stuff that's already been bought :p.

Guess my original point was, "bargains" are not always as amazing as they initially appear to be.
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