Women.... :(

27 Oct 2002
Won't go into the whole story.

But met a girl I REALLY liked. She was leaving quite soon for a foreign country(2months initially then possibly up to 9months).

I sorta knew her before and really liked her. Went out on a few dates. Was going great.

I didn't like the fact she was going. We met again, things were a bit wierd, she said she really enjoyed the dates etc...but timing was poor so she didn't wanna make things awkward when she left.

I got very drunk...did the drunk texting. (great! :rolleyes: ) Text each other a lot the next few days, the texts got a bit dry (for some reason I didn't flirt?). Ended up, after speaking to her before she left, her texting me and saying I hope we keep in touch be nice to remain Friends

As if i wasn't gutted enough about her leaving!!

I now find myself playing the most ridiculously aggressive music in my car and thuindering it around...its the only time when i'm actually a little happy!

I know if i had played it cool, didn't do the drunk texting, and flirted a bit rather than just spoke rubbish, things would have been better. But her leaving so soon just sorta threw me.

Quite angry, upset, and gutted.

But fish...sea...plenty. Maybe not all as great in terms of personality + looks...but still plenty.

Also i suppose I wasn't going to sit around for 2 months.
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You knew she was going and if it's for a long while it's unlikely she would have wanted to start a new relationship anyway.

Be thankful she wants to stay friends with you :) Better than nothing, and if you had been more flirty etc she might not have even wanted that.

Be thankful for what you have mate and move on.
Good points made by all...and friends is soemthing. but it was fairly obvious we'd stay in touch. There was absolutely no need for it...it was more so a..."yeah not interested anymore comment" which is what gets me. Oh well.

yeah i did try moving on the other day...went on a blooming rampage. The barmaid, some sorta girls i knew, and 50 years olds all got chatted up LOL!! I also pulled some random...didn't make me feel AT ALL. If anything made me feel MUCH worse. As i'm not a complete idiot, i'm actually reasonably nice.

Time...i'm sure is all it will take.

Just damn annoying isn't it!!
in fact just been talking to her mate...and what on earth am i doing.

I'm far too funny, lively, and cooool to be moping about :cool: :cool: !!! Plenty more nice fun girls out there...and what on earth is the point worrying about someone who even if she was desperately in love with me would be 1000's of miles away??

Time to stop being a prat. ;) :p :p
Well look at it this way, she has said she wants to remain friends.

If she had been a girlfriend, and you split up (on bad terms perhaps) you may never of seen her again.

But as she wants to remain friends, you'll stay in touch with her for much longer, I don't get why the 'friends' word is such a kiss of death that people think it is?


A clear case of one-itis. I have it too over this girl so I know how it feels and it affects your judgement. You said it yourself in your OP the reasons why things went sour IE lack of flirting etc.

I saw some advice on another forum when it comes to one-itis; try and chat up other girls at the same time and you will feel less emotionally dependant on this one girl and therefore more in control of yourself. Also if time isn't an issue (so not in your case) theres the option of freezing her out for a bit so that she appreciates your attention more. The girl I have one-itis over isn't appreciating me anymore because I made all the effort and now I'm going to freeze her out for a bit. Ignore the people saying she wasn't worth it because she was going home, thats not true. Theres always a chance she could have stayed for example if she had developed one-itis for you she would like you so much to want to stay and the way for that one-itis to develop is to play the game properly.
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