the log is pasted below, its trying to get a WU then just sitting there, not doing anything, also the process refused to start when i reset the machine so i had to manually start it
[16:03:17] + Attempting to send results
[16:03:17] - Reading file work/wuresults_04.dat from core
[16:03:17] (Read 368661 bytes from disk)
[16:03:20] - Uploaded at ~120 kB/s
[16:03:20] - Averaged speed for that direction ~130 kB/s
[16:03:20] + Results successfully sent
[16:03:20] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[16:03:20] + Number of Units Completed: 4
[16:03:25] Trying to send all finished work units
[16:03:25] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[16:03:25] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[16:03:25] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:03:25] - Will indicate memory of 2045 MB
[16:03:25] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:03:25] Couldn't send HTTP request to server (wininet)
[16:03:25] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:03:25] - Successful: assigned to (
[16:03:25] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[16:03:26] Loaded queue successfully.
[16:03:26] - Receiving payload (expected size: 76747)
--- Opening Log file [November 14 16:48:08]
# Windows Console Edition #####################################################
Folding@Home Client Version 5.04beta
Launch directory: C:\dell\F@H1
Service: C:\dell\F@H1\FAH504-Console.exe
Arguments: -svcstart -forceasm -verbosity 9
Launched as a service.
Entered C:\dell\F@H1 to do work.
By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding
safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to
do this, please restart the program without -forceasm.
If work units are not completing fully (and particularly
if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue
use of the flag.
[16:48:08] - Ask before connecting: No
[16:48:08] - Use IE connection settings: Yes
[16:48:08] - User name: mikeymike (Team 10)
[16:48:08] - User ID: 52CFE0CF314116D9
[16:48:08] - Machine ID: 1
A potential conflict was detected:
Process 1360 is currently running and may also be a client with Mach. ID 1.
Program will now exit. Upon restart, this check will not be done --
you may wish to check that no client is currently running in
C:\dell\F@H1 before restarting.
--- Opening Log file [November 14 16:56:51]
# Windows Console Edition #####################################################
Folding@Home Client Version 5.04beta
Launch directory: C:\dell\F@H1
Service: C:\dell\F@H1\FAH504-Console.exe
Arguments: -svcstart -forceasm -verbosity 9
Launched as a service.
Entered C:\dell\F@H1 to do work.
By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding
safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to
do this, please restart the program without -forceasm.
If work units are not completing fully (and particularly
if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue
use of the flag.
[16:56:51] - Ask before connecting: No
[16:56:51] - Use IE connection settings: Yes
[16:56:51] - User name: mikeymike (Team 10)
[16:56:51] - User ID: 52CFE0CF314116D9
[16:56:51] - Machine ID: 1
[16:56:51] Loaded queue successfully.
[16:56:51] + Benchmarking ...
[16:56:54] The benchmark result is 11652
[16:56:54] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[16:56:54] - Autosending finished units...
[16:56:54] Trying to send all finished work units
[16:56:54] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[16:56:54] - Autosend completed
[16:56:54] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:56:54] - Will indicate memory of 2045 MB
[16:56:54] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:56:55] - Successful: assigned to (
[16:56:55] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[16:56:55] Loaded queue successfully.
[16:57:06] - Receiving payload (expected size: 3060008)