Wood Case?

11 Jul 2006
I currently have a blue Thermaltake Xaser 3 case and quite frankly I am not too keen on the looks anymore because I have the PC in my lounge and it stands out like a giant metallic tank.
I was thinking to make it fit in with the rest of the lounge to convert it into a wooden case.
I have read that some people have done this and I was thinking that before I undertake such a task I should find out a bit more about it and maybe get some ideas on things to consider.
Also if anyone has made a wooden case and therefore can either say its the best case they have had or maybe, don't ever make a wooden case because of these things then I know not to bother.

What sort of things do I need to consider? I understand that I have to build in ventilation and things as normal but do I need more cooling than a normal metal case as wood will increase the heat?
Do I need to think about cutting out vibrations with rubber or some other material as mountings?

Would it be best to just remove the outer metal shell from my current case and use the metal frame inside and just attach the wooden shell to this frame?

Thanks for any help/ideas/opinions on this.
IMO you need to try and make it as sound dead as possible and make sure you construct the case solidly as joints are likly to vibrate and cause annoying sounds. I always suggest trying to get as many fans into a case as possible without going rediculously overboard to make sure its cool enough.

How is it going to be built? Entirly from scratch or are you going to clad an existing case?
I am still currently deciding on that. My initial thoughts were to take my current case, strip off the outside so I just had the metal frame and then basically put wood round it.
However, if it was recommended to me that it would be better to build from scratch then I would consider going down that route.

The advantage with just stripping my current case and using its frame would mean I could take advantage of some of the mountings for things and it would be easier. The disadvantage is, its a Xaser 3 which means its pretty large and a cladding it in wood will mean an equally large (and heavy) replacement case. In fact if the wood is heavier than the metal this would be astronomically heavy as I am pretty sure the Xaser 3 is already getting close to the 1 ton mark. :p
izzmunkee said:
I am still currently deciding on that. My initial thoughts were to take my current case, strip off the outside so I just had the metal frame and then basically put wood round it.
However, if it was recommended to me that it would be better to build from scratch then I would consider going down that route.

The advantage with just stripping my current case and using its frame would mean I could take advantage of some of the mountings for things and it would be easier. The disadvantage is, its a Xaser 3 which means its pretty large and a cladding it in wood will mean an equally large (and heavy) replacement case. In fact if the wood is heavier than the metal this would be astronomically heavy as I am pretty sure the Xaser 3 is already getting close to the 1 ton mark. :p
I think that would be the best way to do it. Either that or build the case out of wood making sure its square and then fix the drive bays etc in there some how, that would make it lighter but the other way would be easier and probably make the case more rigid.

I was thinking of doing the same a while ago out of American Walnut but the quote i got for the timber was £260 :eek: so that kinda put me off. I might make the case out of plywood and then just use solid walnut for the front to make it cheaper.

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