Finally getting round to sorting out the living room. Need a hifi rack, to fit a few separates, Naim amp, Arcam CD player, phono stage and TT.
This is the best I can find at the moment : Seems a good price for a small workshop piece made in the UK. I don't mind the lead time.
HiFi Unit, cabinet or stand 580mm in Solid Oak – TheReallyGoodOakShop
Before I pull the trigger though, any other recommendations? Unfortunately it seems quite a niche product these days and most of the 'hifi' options have the ridiculous snake oil tax on them.
Must be hardwood! Have a house rabbit who munches anything softwood like pine, but won't touch hardwood
This is the best I can find at the moment : Seems a good price for a small workshop piece made in the UK. I don't mind the lead time.
HiFi Unit, cabinet or stand 580mm in Solid Oak – TheReallyGoodOakShop
Before I pull the trigger though, any other recommendations? Unfortunately it seems quite a niche product these days and most of the 'hifi' options have the ridiculous snake oil tax on them.
Must be hardwood! Have a house rabbit who munches anything softwood like pine, but won't touch hardwood