WoooHooo Extension Tubes!

26 Aug 2003
The North
My kenko extension tubes arrived this morning and just had time to have a quick play inbetween work. So excited I thought I'd share them with you guys :)

So far soo good, although you have to be amazingly close to get in focus...




All of these are uncropped too!
:) Cheers!

My work doesnt involve spiders! They are just some random ones in the garden. Quite worrying when you see what they look like close up!

The setup was, all 3 kenko tubes and my 100mm f2.8 macro lens on the 350d.
Fstop11 said:
Very good. I regret selling my extention tubes now.
Why on earth would you sell them?!?!

danza said:

Nope. I used a sigma 500 super flash on a cord. Works ok, but would love a ring flash sooo much!

SDK^ said:
You've done a great job with focus and depth of field.

I have the same setup and it does make for some interesting macro opportunities :)
Some of my shots here

Thank you! Have you tried the tubes with any other lenses? I'm looking forward to trying it with my 70-200mm f4 to see what happens. :)
Thank you!

The picture SDK posted has been playing on my mind! Now I really want a ring flash!!!!!!!! Would be sooo nice not to have to worry about the tripod/holding a the flash i have close to the end of the lens etc, its a heavy set up for one hand! Not to mention trying to keep steady and in focus at the same time!!!

Hmmmm.... ring flash....
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