Word Image Layout

18 Oct 2002
Hi all,

I'm writing a manual for an application at work, and am wanting to put screenshots in, and have the text flow around said screenshot. See the below quick image to help visualise:


Getting the images/text aligned like that is OK, by setting the image as a floating image and manually positioning it... until I come to add/change any text in either any of the paragraphs next to an image, or I add to previous sections, when the layout of these ones becomes a bit screwed up, and the images jump around all over the shop.

I've just discovered the "Text Wrapping Break", which is akin to the <br style="clear: both;" /> in HTML/CSS, but what I can't seem to get it to do is to be intelligent enough for the image/paragraph to automatically move to a new page if the image is too big to fit within the margins.

Any pointers on where I should be looking?


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