Word puzzle tool - help a potato out!

12 Feb 2006
Does anyone know of an online tool that you can put in a length of word required, positions of vowels and consonants, maybe even a know letter, and then it give suggestions?

I have found ones that let you say, it starts with a certain letter, or ends etc, but never just any letter but it must be a vowel.


Failing that, does anyone here like to try and solve word puzzles? As I can share what I'm stuck on if anyone wants to have a try
You not supposed to ask if anyone would like to solve something you are supposed to just post it and let people solve it without asking them if they would like to solve it. lol
Pfft, the users in this forum couldn't figure it out any way. They failed with that school maths question a couple months back, I doubt they could do this.

The following are some of the words in a long sentence. I'm just showing these as they link well and if I can get these, the rest should fall into place.

The numbers represent a letter.


Based on this, the first number must be A or I.

That means, the second number in the second word must be N, F, T, S, or M.

The 4th word starts with the same 3 letters of the 3rd word, and also ends with the same letter it starts with. That helps as then you could have the word like ENTICE, and instantly see if it words for the 3 letter word, in this case it does as word would be TEN, and that also works for the one above as the 2 letter word would be AT, single letter word A

however the final 6 letter word it fails as that becomes _CEEI_
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You not supposed to ask if anyone would like to solve something you are supposed to just post it and let people solve it without asking them if they would like to solve it. lol

That’ll just lead to 84 pages of 2 people arguing over the semantics of some irrelevant aspect of the question whilst anyone else trying to follow the thread in the hope of finding an answer, or at least some meaningful insight, is left to despair at the cesspit this forum has been turned into.
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That’ll just lead to 84 pages of 2 people arguing over the semantics of some irrelevant aspect of the question whilst anyone else trying to follow the thread in the hope of finding an answer, or at least some meaningful insight, is left to despair at the cesspit this forum has been turned into.
This should be the caption on the main forum list underneath what OCUK GD forum is about. :)
Does anyone know of an online tool that you can put in a length of word required, positions of vowels and consonants, maybe even a know letter, and then it give suggestions?

I have found ones that let you say, it starts with a certain letter, or ends etc, but never just any letter but it must be a vowel.


Failing that, does anyone here like to try and solve word puzzles? As I can share what I'm stuck on if anyone wants to have a try
you mean this

count_vowels([], 0).

count_vowels([H|T], No_of_vowels) :-
count_vowels(T, No_of_vowels_in_tail),
No_of_vowels is No_of_vowels_in_tail + 1.

count_vowels([H|T], No_of_vowels) :-
\+ vowel(H),
count_vowels(T, No_of_vowels).
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change_vowels([], []).

change_vowels([H|T], [H1|T_with_changed_vowels]) :-
H \== H1,
change_vowels(T, T_with_changed_vowels).

change_vowels([H|T], [H|T_with_changed_vowels]) :-
\+ vowel(H),
change_vowels(T, T_with_changed_vowels).
I took a look at this using something I had (a TRIE data structure) and the search space is a bit horrible. First letter is 'a' or 'i'. Two letter words beginning with 'a' or 'i' I have are:


Then it gets "fun". Taking the 'a' set, then three letter words that don't include 'a' that start with the second characters are:


and doing the same with the 'i' set, I get:


I don't have an easy way of checking all that lot to come up with the possibilities of the 4 letter combo, so stopped there pending having a think !
Thanks. I'm trying through those and so far drawing a blank. The issue is there's so many, and I need to whittle it down.

It needs to exclude and of those suggestions that has the same letter twice in them

Then, try to find words that are possible by jumbling the letters around like so



ETS_ _ E

If a word can be make from this, then include this as a suggestion.

I'm not sure what tool you've used but can it do something like that?
I think the provision of a complete sentence is critical because of the extra logic that is enforced (grammar and syntax). Also, don't forget about letter frequency of occurrences, this can surely inform further. Oh, and crosswordsolver.org if you insist on guessing.
Does this help you. I attacked the problem from the other end ...

If 1 = a, then here's the 6 letter words that start and begin with the same letter not including 'a':


and here's the list of those with the middle 2 letters the same:


... and then repeating that if 1 = i instead:


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