WordPress - Adding data classes?

9 Mar 2010
Howday folks,

Got a problem that I can't find the answer to because I can think what to Google :)

I've got a website for a company. This company has staff and its staff members create research.

What I'd like to do on the website is have a database driven staff list and research list.

When viewing a staff member you should be able to list their research, and when viewing a piece of research you should be able to view the staff member that wrote it.

The creation of Staff members pages and Research should be possible in the WordPress back end.

Staff members will have a name, contact number, picture and associated research.

Research will have a title, publication date, summary and associated staff member.

This is something I could readily create from scratch in C# with ASP.Net but I'm not sure where to start with WordPress...

Any ideas?
I've found something that will let me do what I want (Advanced Custom Fields) but I've come up with another problem.

By adding the hundreds of research outputs as "pages" they make it hard to navigate and edit the structure of the actual website pages in WordPress's back end.

Any ideas how I could move these out to a separate section in the menus to make them more distinct from the other pages?

Post Types is exactly what I'm after. Already got some custom taxonomies in place to allow easy grouping of the research and staff members.

Cheers gord.

But seriously, Wordpress at the front, back and code level made a whole lot more sense to me, which was critical for project development time. Drupal had me buried in documentation for things that should be intuitive.


I've used Drupal in the past and at this very second in time have this on my messenger window from my cousin who has been tasked with developing something in Drupal:

(2:012:59 PM) stu: ARGH DRUPALLL!!!!
(2:013:02 PM) stu: just had to let that out

Since reading up on Post Types yesterday I now have a fully implemented site that I've developed in my free time over lunch and in the evening. He's still up to his eye balls in documentation...

So thanks for the suggestion but no thanks :)
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