Wordpress help if anyone knows anything!

25 Jun 2005
I'm just adding in some content for my work's blog.

**I should add I have no prior knowledge of wordpress, my current role is just to add in the posts.**

I've written everything out and saved the draft fine, added in two pictures and got them where I liked from the preview button. I've then added in another, the transparent part didn't work (but that's another issue) so went to remove it. Now the editing panel is blank, unless I highlight the text.
The two tabs in the right hand corner for visual/text are still there but the text one is greyed out so can't select it.

This happened yesterday with the images in the wrong place so I copied the selection and made a new post but has happened again, this time with an extra image so I don't think (but could very well be wrong) it's the two images themselves causing the issue.

I've just deleted my cookies as I read that is a good start from searching. The other posts have also suggested making edits the wordpress system itself, this isn't something I've got access to, but could do, but don't think it is the issue as it doesn't happen regularly.

After about 30mins/1hour I saved the draft so I don't loose it and the text is now visible but it is still in the code version and I'm still unable to switch to the visual mode.
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