Wordpress menu's / multi or mini sites

19 Jul 2006
Is this possible.

I'm thinking of redoing my site in wordpress but not sure if i can do what I want.
I want a Home/landing page that has 3 images on, that say home, business and education. Depending on which is clicked then I want the user to be sent to the section that is relevant to them so they would have different menu's for example.
I know this would be easy to do in bog standard html but can wordpess cope with this?
Shouldn't have any issue with this, previous versions of wordpress required a little more effort however they introduced a extensive menu system a good few updates back, with support for multiple menus.

Just create your landing pages for each of the 3 areas and then set the menu to one of the 3 menu's you create in the wordpress admin section under menus.

I've worked on a number of sites that require multiple menu's even to the point you have a different sidebar menu for each product section within a site so this is defiantly possible without extra plugins.
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