WordPress not sending emails

18 Jul 2012
So i've just spent the last 2 - 3 hours trying to fix 2 of my clients WordPress sites that decided to suddenly stop sending email's to some email accounts but not others. Came through to me ok (Gmail and my domain email) from both sites, but not to their Gmail accounts.

Thought it'd be useful to share on here a solution, hopefully it'll save somebody time in the future.

I tried a few plugins but by far the easiest I have seen is this -> https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpmandrill/

Sign up for a Mandrill account, get your free API key and away you go.

Tested on both sites and email functionality is back with the bonus of being able to track how many emails are sent each day through a dashboard widget. My guess is the host company decided to change how the hosting package is setup to send emails through mail().

Worth looking at this kind of facility if you're having problems with other sites (not just WP).
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