Wordpress Pages edit issue

23 Nov 2004
I'm trying to edit some pages for a Wordpress website I run for a friend, however when selecting any of the pages to edit I'm presented with the below -


No text is shown, despite me entering some as well as no text options in either Visual or HTML view.

I've tried in Firefox, Safari and Chrome and the issue is consistent. I've tried my own Wordpress site and the issue isn't present. Any ideas?
Does the actual page show the content up even if the wysiwyg doesnt? Or is it not appearing anywhere?

Have you looked at the database tables to see if the data is being saved in there?

Have you tried disabling all plugins to make sure one isn't interfering?
Disable all plugins and then recheck. Probably a conflict somewhere. Also make sure you're running the latest version.
The editor looks borked, I'd force a fresh install of WordPress through the update menu, and try switching themes, see if the current theme has something conflicting with WordPress in its functions.php file.
Yeh tried that as well, no joy. Will have a play with the theme tomorrow, if all else fails then we'll just do it from scratch as it's not a big site anyway.
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