Wordpress - plugin for booking appointments

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
Hi all,

I've been asked to look at knocking up a Wordpress site with the main aim of allowing people to book appointments.

Unsure if payment is made upfront or upon arrival of the booking, or even if there is a payment system.

I've a meeting at 9am to find out the details but i'd like some ideas to take in with me.

Any suggestions?
One I've used in the past which is feature rich and kept up to date is: https://premium.wpmudev.org/project/appointments-plus/

I'm not sure if there's any well maintained ones that are free but someone else might be able to prove me wrong!

edit: Just noticed they have upp'd their price up quite a bit from the last time I was on it. Maybe compare some other plugins with this example to see how good they could work out for you.

edit2: This one seems decent if you don't mind a one off cost: http://codecanyon.net/item/bookly-b...ve-appointment-booking-and-scheduling/7226091
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