Wordpress question

1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
So I'm working on a friends website, basically on a page it has a 'Custom Header Layout' and I need to create a new header style, but I'll be damned if I can find where?!


I know that seems obvious, but I can't find that anywhere?!
A themes admin page can be places in any section (even it's own) so you might literally have to check EVERY menu option to find it.

Alternatively, in your child theme style.css just add the styling you want.
A themes admin page can be places in any section (even it's own) so you might literally have to check EVERY menu option to find it.

Alternatively, in your child theme style.css just add the styling you want.

Ah so it could be under style.css - ok I'll check there.

And thats a nuisance, no standardization. OK if it's not in the style.css i'll check literally every button.

Cheers :)
No, it wont be in the style.css file. Roy means that you can just edit the css from there and override any of the custom header css.

The theme admin page is likely to be one of these:
Appearance > Theme Options (or Theme Admin)
Theme > Options
*Name of your theme* > Options
There's not a plugin to hide menu items, is there?

Alternatively it could be in the functions.php file (check any child theme too).

function hide_menu_items() { 
remove_menu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=team' ); 
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