Wordpress Question

27 Feb 2003
I'm having a tinker with Wordpress and using a theme (Interface by Theme Horse).

On the home page I've got links to pages, with the first line of text from the page being shown, followed by "Read More..."

I'd like to hide the text shown on the home page when the individual page is clicked into.

This post on the WP site looks to the be the solution but I can't figure out which WP file I actually need to edit to change the parameter to false :confused:
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The post 'excerpt' is what shows before the read more link.
By default it will take the first couple of lines of the content but you can edit the excerpt yourself.

Change the exceprts of the posts to the short text you want beside the read more links.
Change the content of the posts to be the text shown when you follow the read more links to go to the page.

edit: I think the box for entering the excerpt may be hidden by default. click 'screen options' in the top right and tick the excerpt box to show it
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