Wordpress Template

OcUK Staff
12 Apr 2008
I have been playing around with a template here:


And I cannot get the slider to work properly, it is rotating through the 2 images, however the slider itself seems to be over to the right a bit, when it should be center, and the images are compressed to low quality too so they photo quality looks pants!

If anyone can guide me how to fix this, please let me know. :)

The template can be found here: http://themeforest.net/item/impact-responsive-multipurpose-theme/full_screen_preview/3674867

I am just trying to get the hang of doing this as I am a noob really when it comes to making websites. :)

The slider is supposed to be a responsive/animated one, so ideally I would like to learn how to do that eventually.

Any help is appreciated!
Using Google chrome it looks like there out by 10px and its not responsive at all :(
The template looks to be responsive have you hard coded any of the slider css values?
The images in the slider are the same size as the full-width site - but there's a white border being applied, and as noted - the slider doesn't resize along with the rest of the design.
If you reduce the width of the slider images by the size of the border, it should fit. Or, find the CSS that styles the slider, and ensure that there's no border applied if you want to remove the white border.
These are the settings I am using at the moment:

Yey first time I have helped someone on here normally in asking for help

Much appreciated thank you! :)

Just need to figure the blurry photos on the slide now, not sure if it is compressing the photos when I upload, or if the slide is just showing it as low quality.
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