Wordpress Theme Assistance

30 Dec 2004
Bromley, Kent
Hi guys

Need some advice! I have a blog/site which uses Wordpress and a theme called "(Not So)Fresh". Thing is, it seems to have a fixed width and feels like it was designed for a 15 year old 800x600 CRT. I like the theme so don't want to mess around with others. Is there an easy way to change it from fixed width to dynamic based upon the browser width? I tried in the past and it just messed it all up

- GP
Looks like that theme was last updated 7 years ago... This one? http://www.xsized.de/wordpress-theme-not-so-fresh-version-12/

The beauty of WordPress in the ease in which you can change the theme. You'll likely spend longer trying fix this theme as you would finding and another and implementing it.

But to answer you question, it doesn't look like it's going to be straight forward if it is that theme as it uses some fixed background images to get columns etc. It's possible, but a bit of a pain I'd say.
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