Wordpress thmes

robmiller said:
...and if you're going to go down this route, it's easy to use K2 as a base :)

Gotta say I'd not used K2 until I saw the link, but, I've been converted! :p

Very nice, logically done and will be modding away at the weekend.
ok, im using K2 Beta Two r167 now. How do i change the header from that boring blue to say an image (where do i edit?). thx.....apologies if this is kinda of nooby but i dont wanna mess up this install of wordpress :)
Create a custom style sheet in the styles directory in plugins/k2, upload your header image there too and do something like

#header {
background-image: url(header.jpg);

in the css file and select it K2 control panel.
thought I would hi jack this thread as it made me download K2. (Very aewsome by the way).

So I am very new to CSS but I dont mind having a play with it. However I need to know what css to edit and how to do stuff.

@ the mo I am using the Vadar theme. I like it but there are things I can change.

What I want to do is remove the title and subtitle and if possible create a hotspot in my image which will link back to the home page.

Also are there any other k2 themes out there?

OK well after searching google I managed to find the answer to my problem but not I have another one.

The K2 theme I am using is called vadar. It's kinda the same as the default one. It uses the page tabs under the logo/name of blog. Now when you are on one of tha pages that page tab is black and all the other tabs are clear and have white text. However with the current image behind it you cant see the white text very well. So what I want to do is have all the tabs showing a colour. So when your on a page (lets say... About Me) that page tab is highlighted black and the other tabs are highlighted... oh I duno... red.

Can it be done? I wouldn't know what to edit in the CSS.Also is it possible to do a transparent colour in CSS?

And I know this problem could be sorted out if I edited the image behind it but the idea here is that I dont.

Cheers once again

To find the CSS file to edit, view the source code of the page in your browser and search for ".css" to find the CSS file(s) it's loading. Then download and open the files in a text editor.

Then to work out what to edit you have to find the source code for the menu - do this by searching for it - and look for class="something" or id="something". Then go back to the CSS file and search for "something" (no quotes) and look for any "color:" definitions. You can change the colour values - red would be #FF0000.

If that's completely confusing then just give a link to the site :)
I know how to edit the colour values ect. I just dont think there is a string for what I want to do... or if there is... then... lol I duno.


I'm rubbish at explaining myself but when you see the tabs you might understand :)
You can do it by altering the CSS for the menu item. Each menu item has a class, and the currently selected page has a different class, which is how they show different colours.

A normal (unselected) tab:
<li class="page_item">

Handily they don't actually have a page_item class by default (Though you could add it), but what I'd do is this:

In this CSS file - http://www.blog.tob3z.com/wp-content/themes/k2/style.css

(NB: you might want to put the vader CSS file back and edit that one instead or this will get applied to the default theme...but since the Vader file is missing I can only show you this one...though the same thing goes for both anyway).

Find this:

ul.menu li a {
	font: 1em Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, Sans-Serif;
	color: white;
	margin: 0;
Replace with:
ul.menu li a {
	font: 1em Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, Sans-Serif;
	color: white;
was stupidly messing about and only just realised its not using the vadar theme. Its back on with the added code as I couldnt find it in the source.

Sadly no different.

Any ideas?

Cheers so far. You know way more than me about this... I just edit stuff and hope it works.
Ah, it doesn't have that declaration in the vader CSS file - most likely because it hadn't changed the default style of no background colour.

So what to do - aha! :D Add it in :D

Open http://www.blog.tob3z.com/wp-content/themes/k2/styles/vadar.css and add in...

ul.menu li a {
font: 1em Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, Sans-Serif;
color: white;

Anywhere you like. I'd go for the bottom, easiest to find :)
lol. I did add it in but I just realised I named it vadar not vader.... so wordpresss was never looking for it.
It's working now. Will have a play with the colours but otherwise it's great.

Thanks very very much :D
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