Work and the temperatures this week

17 Nov 2018
This week I've had to walk to work, work in a cold shop then walk one in 0c or oc- temperatures (5- tonight and that was after working in a cold shop al afternoon). Not everybody can drive/catch a bus to work and some of us have to walk to work, work ina cold shop and walk home in the zero/zero minus degrees. Anybody know what the lgal maximum temperature is before we can be sent home (of course certain jobs require people to work in the temperatures we've been having this week don't they?).
But on the plus side, at least my drinks're still cold as I'm walking home.
Anybody else on here had to walk to/from work in the cold this week?
I was warmer walking up to work this afternoon then i was coming home but I didn't complain about how cold it was. But what i'm really worried about is slipping and breaking my glasses or damaging them. I've just had a look and up here in Mancheter its -7 degrees.
Just don't stop off at the bank when your on the way.
Actually, I did walk into a bank wearing a balaclava once but didn't get any trouble. But Once I walked into a pub on the way home with the said balaclava on, gave the bar maid a bit of a scare as i reached into a pocket before I pulled the money out for a pint and asked for a pint of Stella then told her I was only wearing it to keep my head warm.
I know the body loses heat from the head but how much?
Op with appropriate clothing you should be able to deal with the cold conditions.
I wasn't too bad s I had a pair of gloves, balaclava, my steel toe capped boots, a gillet and my uniform on but I wasn't as warm walking home and I didn't say it was too cold to walk to work (no doubt some customers who're perfectly capable of walking to the Coey in freezing cold weather were saying 'it's too cold to go shopping so I'll get one of the staff to do my shopping for me'. I know that some people genuinely can't do it due to health or other conditions but some people're just too lazy. There was an occasion when I was due to turn up for a late shift and there was a gale, a downpour and the weather was cold (I honestly lost the photograph of a collapsed garage roof). I was saturated when I turned up and the boss asked me to go and put his lottery for him as soon as I entered the place, The people who worked in the labour camps in Siberia had to work in sub-zero temperatures.
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