Work Bench on Casters / Noggin Storage?

21 Jan 2010
Hi folks,

I am currently using two old IKEA dining tables as "work benches" in the workshop. I want to build something proper on casters. Does anyone have a design or real experience of one they like? I have found a few that look OK but then the plans are behind paywalls. Some on instagram have these epic fold out mechanisms etc to make giant tables; or collapse and wall hang.

I also have a bunch of offcuts and stuff I need to store as well. I quite like the idea of a lumber trolley on wheels but same as above, any designs or real experiences of ones that work well? Currently using a Sainsburys bag for life :D
Mega thank you all! Just needing that kick of inspiration to get me going :) I like the first video @wsurfa linked to as it included a "low duty" shelf which I can envisage my noggins living :D
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