26 Sep 2006 at 16:39 #1 Glaucus Glaucus Man of Honour Joined 11 Mar 2004 Posts 76,634 Hi, I need to find out exactly what is involved in technical officers and Senior Technical Officers. What they do extra as much detail as pos.
Hi, I need to find out exactly what is involved in technical officers and Senior Technical Officers. What they do extra as much detail as pos.
26 Sep 2006 at 16:44 #3 Glaucus Glaucus Man of Honour OP Joined 11 Mar 2004 Posts 76,634 Mikeyboy said: If I can dig out the two job descriptions for both at work tonight, and email you them, would that help? Click to expand... That would be great but what time do you start? Really need them by about 7pm..
Mikeyboy said: If I can dig out the two job descriptions for both at work tonight, and email you them, would that help? Click to expand... That would be great but what time do you start? Really need them by about 7pm..
26 Sep 2006 at 16:50 #5 Glaucus Glaucus Man of Honour OP Joined 11 Mar 2004 Posts 76,634 Mikeyboy said: Don't start till 11pm unfortunately. Click to expand... Can you send them to me, perhaps I can do some editing tommorow morning. Can you tell me anything about the jobs know? I've got to fill a question in, on where my future lies within the company and time scales.
Mikeyboy said: Don't start till 11pm unfortunately. Click to expand... Can you send them to me, perhaps I can do some editing tommorow morning. Can you tell me anything about the jobs know? I've got to fill a question in, on where my future lies within the company and time scales.