Work iPhone & syncing with users home Itunes

18 May 2010
The device we use in my company is the iPhone.

We set it up with the necessary email, active sync and calendars account.

We also install on the device a few business specific apps using the company apple id.


I received a call form an end user saying that since they got the new iphone they are now unable to sync it with their home itunes. She was trying to put music on the phone, but it was complaining about 'authorisation'.


I’m not sure if it's complaining that the apps on the phone cannot be synced with her itunes as they are installed using a different apple id?

The other thing I’m unsure about, is if she deselected all the things to sync (one of which being apps) and only selected music, will it then go and remove all the stuff not selected to sync?


Sometimes I hate Apple! :o
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If it's a work phone it should be managed by the company not by the end user. You don't support home facilities. We don't anyway...

Music on a works iPhone.... pfffff! No chance.

You have a point. But she is a tyrant, and will blow her gasket! :mad:

The line will be 'it worked with my previous phone, so why not with this one'!
Did she previously have a work iPhone with the company iTunes account on it?

Also we use AirWatch to manage all of our company iPhones. Generally we allow people to use their own iTunes accounts on the company iPhones but it is managed by AirWatch so we can push things too it and enforce settings etc. We've found it's also a good option for those that don't have a company iPhones but still want to use company email on the their own personal iPhone. We enrole the phone in AirWatch so we can still do an enterprise wipe should it ever get stolen or sold to remove all the company data off it but leave the personal data intact
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The problem has something to do with this Apple Authorisation malarky.

When you first plug in the iPhone and connect it to itunes, you get a message saying 'do you want to trust this computer?' I'm guess this is the authorisation part.

Now I have uninstalled the company apps installed using the company Apple ID. (Hoping she cant sync the iphone due to those apps having been installed using a different Apple ID)

But I still have a feeling when she takes the phone home and plugs it in to her Itunes, it's going to say this is not authorised or something to take effect.

Do I have to deauthorise the phone form my work PC? (the one I used in the set up of the phone perhaps)

How do I do that?


I logged in to Itunes using the company Apple ID and went too Manage Devices. the spiel reads:

These computers are associated with your Apple ID. Computers and devices can be associated with a different Apple ID once every 90 days.....


Does that mean if the phone was 'authorised' with the company Apple ID within 90 days, the end user can sync it with her home itunes?


All this for music......
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