The above article certainly resonates for me.
I've never been particularly career focused. I work to live not live to work. I don't like or dislike my job. I can do it. It pays OK, it's in demand.
Critically, I have no desire to over achieve.
And for me it was covid, a health scare and the years it ripped away that really made me reassess my life. Or more.. Accept I am not career driven
Id always felt 'stupid' or 'lazy' for not caring about my career. But during covid I started to value 'time' much more. Hobbies, holidays, experiences.
I gave up on chasing career progression. You should progress right?
I consciously decided.. If I get more salary I'll take on more responsibility. I felt I was at the point of demismishing returns.
I don't think I 'need' any more money. By that I mean. It won't make me happier. Obviously things may change if cost of living rockets.
Also.. Seeing my well off miserable workaholic parents is another reevaluation point. They have much more than I'll ever have. But aren't happy. In fact I'd go as far to say that it's made them more unhappy.
I find myself now spending rather than just saving. Planning holidays I'd think were 'a waste' before covid.
Pursuing hobbies rather than working late. Because I thought I should work to get that "good" rather than "average" end of year review.
Seems like it's a growing trend. Probably.. People are realising they will be working forever, and won't have a retirement like my parents for example.So make more use of now. Because you'll be working forever anyway.
Anyone else in same position?
The above article certainly resonates for me.
I've never been particularly career focused. I work to live not live to work. I don't like or dislike my job. I can do it. It pays OK, it's in demand.
Critically, I have no desire to over achieve.
And for me it was covid, a health scare and the years it ripped away that really made me reassess my life. Or more.. Accept I am not career driven
Id always felt 'stupid' or 'lazy' for not caring about my career. But during covid I started to value 'time' much more. Hobbies, holidays, experiences.
I gave up on chasing career progression. You should progress right?
I consciously decided.. If I get more salary I'll take on more responsibility. I felt I was at the point of demismishing returns.
I don't think I 'need' any more money. By that I mean. It won't make me happier. Obviously things may change if cost of living rockets.
Also.. Seeing my well off miserable workaholic parents is another reevaluation point. They have much more than I'll ever have. But aren't happy. In fact I'd go as far to say that it's made them more unhappy.
I find myself now spending rather than just saving. Planning holidays I'd think were 'a waste' before covid.
Pursuing hobbies rather than working late. Because I thought I should work to get that "good" rather than "average" end of year review.
Seems like it's a growing trend. Probably.. People are realising they will be working forever, and won't have a retirement like my parents for example.So make more use of now. Because you'll be working forever anyway.
Anyone else in same position?