Working A Ski Season?

7 Nov 2002
Snorbans, UK
Evening all,

I've recently been thinking about working in the Alps or somewhere similar to work over a ski season, from around September until February? I'm planning on doing Bar Work in the evenings, and learning to snowboard/ski during the day, with a view to becoming an instructor.

Has anyone done anything like this? Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks :)
My sister and now fiancé went to live in Canada for a year.. working hotels etc. My mate is currently working his season in France, so i'll ask him for you, but he doesnt email often so, no promises.

I think youd be fine paying your way with bar work.. but becoming an instructor can require a lot more work and legislation. Have you looked about on the net for ways of becoming an instructor? or working seasons?
I'm afraid simple bar work won't pay for your need to learn, gain certificates, and then teach skiiing or boarding.
You will need a fair amount of cash stashed and a lot of patience (i.e. 5 years at the absolute minimum).
gord said:
My sister and now fiancé went to live in Canada for a year..

Good lord, I thought for a second you were marrying your sister - took a good few reads to sort that incest driven mess you made there :p
-westy- said:
Evening all,

I've recently been thinking about working in the Alps or somewhere similar to work over a ski season, from around September until February? I'm planning on doing Bar Work in the evenings, and learning to snowboard/ski during the day, with a view to becoming an instructor.

Has anyone done anything like this? Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks :)

Try Le Ski for chalet work. 2 of my friends have done a couple of seasons with them and absoloutely loved it. Ive been out to visit them a lot and can see why. They have the best time out there.
As to becoming an instructor, your level of paitence is going to have to be long, because you need a lot of experience. For me to become a guide, you needed at least 20 weeks.
Don't you need to have a sound experience of skiing to become an instructor? Not something you can pick up in a season?
If you are serious about the instructor thing then have a look at (British Assosiation of Snowsport Instructors)

And also the reps program allows you to basically ski for free as long as you qualify as a rep and do their course.

A season skiing will *just* about get you to the required standard for the skiclub rep system. But you will need to take serious instruction to make sure your technique is solid.

To be a ski instructor is a very long, very expensive and very hard road. But one wih a fantastic reward at the end of it. Plus the rules are very different depending on where you want to live and teach.

Good luck though ! is the best site for finding season work.
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