Working closely with a colleague you don't get on with

8 May 2009
In my office there are only a limited number of people, probably around 4-5. There's one particular girl who I just can't click with and just don't get along with at all. Annoyingly, I seem to be the only one with this issue (not that I've asked... obviously!).

I can't really pinpoint what she's said or done. It's one of those things, where if you asked "why don't you get on with her"... my answer would be "I just don't". It's not often this happens, I'm usually able to get along with absolutely everyone I meet, so it's unusual.

The only thing I can pinpoint is a few times she has sarcastically replied to a question I've asked.

I guess this is my issue, but just wanted to vent. Anyone else ever had a similar situation? It's difficult as often we need to work together on something that can last several months, or we are away on a training course, or similar. With a small team it means it's inevitable that we will work closely with one another.
Does she have a husband/boyfriend? You know what to do.

Haha - I will keep that as Plan B

So is she polite and civil with you, other than what you perceive as occasionally being given sarcy replies? If she's done nothing else then maybe you need to man up a little and make more of an effort with her. Many people are sometimes a bit sarcy by nature, me included, and walling them off because your pride took a momentary dent solves nothing.

Yea good point... I was just putting it out there as we all are different by nature, and get on with each other to varying degrees. I am making an effort, and like I said, I rarely don't get on with someone. I know it's me that has the issue, so I will try to "man up" as you put it

Head down and get on with it.

Good suggestion

This. I've dealt with far worse.

Yea as have I... the only thing different in this situation is it's a much smaller team, and the type of work means we all work the exact same hours, in a small space and rarely have reason to go out. In the past it's a job where I've been out and about more often, or have worked different hours.
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