Working Crucial Ballsitix results?

19 Nov 2005
OK after the whole crapness of the ballsitix 2x1GB PC4000. i've had to RMA one set, those of you that didnt get duds or got decent RMAs. what speeds/timings/clocks are youa achieving with them? mine don't seem to be that great. 3-4-4-8-12-256 and so far i've properly tested them @ 260mhz for 4 hours of memtest. and a good hour of pure test 4 and pure test 5 respectivley.
thing is they don't run 3-3-3-8 @ 250 which leads me too believe that I won't get much further from reviews i've read.

what those of you with a sweet pair getting?
no, the stock timings as said are 3-4-4-8 @ 2.8v, i run that good, and with just under 5 hours memtesting up to about 20 mins ago they've passed 8 runs of Memtest @265mhz 3-4-4-8-12-16. that seems pretty good, just that some people, particularly those with opterons have them up to 280 as above, and i've seen someones sig that has them with a 146 @ 290mhz 1:1 3-3-3-8. could this means a weakness in the memory controller of my good old winnie?

anyone got a decent pair that'll run more than 265 which myself and rxmac are running them @ with a non opteron of SD, or a Venic core with practically the same memory controller, and X2 manchester/venice cores also have the new mem controllers, so anything older than venice/SD with an A64, please post your timings and best results

also could you opteron guys post all of your timings, in particular the Tref which confuses me, i have it on auto, is there a sweet spot setting for that with these?
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