Working from home worth it?

6 Jun 2010
I am a pharmacist that is fundamentally managed by a compulsive liar that does not support their team and is rather selfish. I won't go into anymore details as it does not help, the only point to note is my manager's boss is fed up and so is the rest of the team. So it is not just a clash between two people.

Anyway, I have come across a job that is almost entirely WFH, the salary is almost the same, start and end times are quite flexible (Could start some days at 10am and finish at 6pm or 8am until 4pm). So many positives that I shall list them:

+Can go to the gym in the morning before work and not rush my workout
+More free time (Start some new hobbies)
+Can keep an eye on side projects (Youtube, stocks, e-commerce business)
+Quite chilled compared to my current job

However these are the negatives (some of them are more myself than the job)

-Will I miss human interaction? As much as some people at work really **** me off and I find it hard at times to relate with them with their boring conversations about make-up, TV shows etc. Will I miss that element?

-Unfortunately my social circle has reduced in size by quite a bit as friends have different priorities, distance etc. Will I feel lonely? People at work have said that I shouldn't have a WFH job for my mental health, again I don't know if they are just saying that to keep me there.

-Maybe I'm being optimistic about being able to have a "side hustle" whilst WFH?

Any advice would be appreciated, Thanks
I wouldn't, but a friend does 4 days home one in the office and loves it. I couldn't live without the inane **** my colleagues talk about. Reminds me how lucky I am :cry:
I love working from home, personally. Though I am a bit of a recluse. I don't mind going in once a week or so, but there aren't many people to talk to when I do as they're all at home anyway. Company asked us all to go back full time, but no one did.
I work at home full time have been for around 4 years now. I personally love it, I get to do most stuff in my own time, I no longer travel 2 or 3 hours a day and in that time I would have otherwise lost i've even found a side hustle that is slowly turning into a business that I also love.

The cats keep me company while the mrs is at work and I make sure to go out each day mostly because i'm shipping so much out at the moment so I get some decent interaction there and also still have regular meetings with people over teams etc for work. Work wise I get more done as well so thats also good. I still do a datacenter visit once or twice a month as well. One thing I have done is properly separated my office from where we chill and sleep, when I finish work I come out of the office/games room and close the door for a few hours.

Really there are very few downsides at least for me.
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If I can help it I won't ever go back to an office, one day every now and then is fine, but working from home has so many benefits for me. No commuting alone is a stress reliever.
It is isolating, and you have to make time to exercise, but it's worth it imo.

I won't be going back to the office.

Agree about having a dedicated work space.
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I enjoy working from home every now and again (no commute is lovely) but full time would kill me. Its very isolating.
I love the flexibility of WFH combined with flexitime but I still need to be in the office 2 days a week which is a perfect balance (ignoring the 100 mile round trip :o)
Couldn't do a fully remote role, neither would I ever go back to fully office based while I'm still working in IT.
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Use the extra time to do some more social activities eg something like a cycling or running club or martial arts.
Do you have any local friends that work from home? You could try and create a routine of meeting up for lunch a few times a week, so that you get some routine socialising. I have a couple of friends who work from home and they seem to meet in the pub every lunchtime!
Agree with @Vince . Your post positives would be enough for me to go forward.

It's definitely not optimistic thinking you can have a side hustle working from home... I've started going to toy auctions where I mostly focus on buying massive lots of consoles that I then test / sometimes mod and sell on... I've been having great fun with it :) I take off a day every two months to go along and buy loads of crap :)

I will say though that my wife works at home once a week and we share an office so I also have a day where we chat etc and go out to lunch together once a week.
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There is always online gaming @Mike 702 ! Whenever I hooked up with one of my friends he would introduce me to a sub-circle of players and if you regularly play even for an hour on a regular basis you can have quite a laugh. Also try to do something that's real life like join a club in a hobby. No reason to be alone these days with all communication tools.
There is always online gaming @Mike 702 ! Whenever I hooked up with one of my friends he would introduce me to a sub-circle of players and if you regularly play even for an hour on a regular basis you can have quite a laugh. Also try to do something that's real life like join a club in a hobby. No reason to be alone these days with all communication tools.
Yeah, will get more involved for sure. I am not unhappy, but do know that I should get more involved for my own wellbeing.
There is always online gaming @Mike 702 ! Whenever I hooked up with one of my friends he would introduce me to a sub-circle of players and if you regularly play even for an hour on a regular basis you can have quite a laugh. Also try to do something that's real life like join a club in a hobby. No reason to be alone these days with all communication tools.

You know what that might be partly what also keeps me sane. I've been playing online with the same group of blokes 3 or 4 nights a week for an hour, for probably 10 years or more now. There are about 8 or 9 of us and the group has an an average age of about 45/50 and we act like absolute children for that time. We play pubg/csgo depending on numbers and you absolutely couldn't repeat 99% of what is said in these family friendly forums.
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