Workout Days

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2 Aug 2005
Milton Keynes
Hi guys I need a little advice here regarding which days to train particular muscle groups. It's a 4 day split shown below. The problem I'm having currently is training muscles which may effect the subsequent days e.g. training triceps the day before training chest, training biceps too close to back day etc. The routine below takes into account that I have more time to train on weekends. Any help would be great. Thanks.

Monday - REST
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday - REST
Thursday - Legs
Friday - Ju Jitsu
Saturday - Chest & Biceps
Sunday - Shoulders & Triceps

Here are some alternatives I've come up with too.

Alternative A:
Monday - REST
Tuesday - Shoulders & Triceps
Wednesday - REST
Thursday - Legs
Friday - Ju Jitsu
Saturday - Chest & Biceps
Sunday – Back

Alternative B:
Monday - REST
Tuesday - Shoulders & Triceps
Wednesday - REST
Thursday - Back
Friday - Ju Jitsu
Saturday - Chest & Biceps
Sunday - Legs

This is my workout plan at the moment, seems to be working:

Monday - Chest and triceps
Tuesday - Back and biceps
Wednesday - Shoulders and abs
Thursday - Football
Friday - Legs
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Football

Your always going to find that the previous days workout has some affect on other muscle groups, just got to try to get the technique right so that you are only using the muscle groups you are trying to on that particular day.
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