World Community Grid

2 Dec 2010
Just wanted to find out if anyone is using WCG?

Its a fantastic distributed computing project that works with a lot of other projects, such as Fight Childhood Cancer, FightAIDS@Home etc.

The latest version can not only use CPU, but also GPU which I think is pretty cool. - Go check it out if your wanting to use your PC's idle time to do some good in the world :)
Folding@Home > *. FACT!


I am sure someone around these parts is or has tried WCG. I still think F@H is the ultimate in distributed projects. I would argue they are further ahead in eking out every last drop of computing power from a machine than any other project! ;)

Still, whatever floats your candle!
Folding@Home > *. FACT!


I am sure someone around these parts is or has tried WCG. I still think F@H is the ultimate in distributed projects. I would argue they are further ahead in eking out every last drop of computing power from a machine than any other project! ;)

Still, whatever floats your candle!

but isnt folding@home just 1 project? Whereas WCG is multiple
It looks like there is a OCUk team on there, is that us?

I'm actually considering switching my Q6600 over to boinc as it is not on long enough to get the SMP bonus points any more.
Looks unofficial to me, no web link.

Perhaps Berserker could start one, or one of the dons
I've installed boinc again, it looks like it would have to be linked to OcUK - Overclockers UK team?

If someone with boinc skills / authorisation linked it to the OcUk team I'd give it a go. It looks like they've got some good causes there, trying to help cure cancer / aids etc.

I've got rosetta@home going now, and trying to get CPDN going as well but it doesn't seem to want to join the team at the moment.
but isnt folding@home just 1 project? Whereas WCG is multiple

This is true, but I think focusing on one project is more beneficial than splitting your time between several. Though as I said in my first reply, it is all a matter of opinion. For example, I think SETI and Galaxy are a waste of CPU cycles better spent on F@H and other disease projects!

No disrespect to the SETI guys of course. So you can put down your flaming torches, and no waving those pitchforks around - you'll have someone's eye out!
This is true, but I think focusing on one project is more beneficial than splitting your time between several. Though as I said in my first reply, it is all a matter of opinion. For example, I think SETI and Galaxy are a waste of CPU cycles better spent on F@H and other disease projects!

No disrespect to the SETI guys of course. So you can put down your flaming torches, and no waving those pitchforks around - you'll have someone's eye out!

Yeah similar for me, I'm not really fussed about aliens or space, but like to help out with finding cures for diseases or other worthwhile projects on Earth.

(now I've said that the universe will collapse in on itself and aliens will be the ones to save us! :p)
I've been contributing to Help Conquer Cancer on WCG for a while now. I'll stick with it until its completed then try something else. I have to agree about SETI type projects I'd rather help cure human disease.
Not wanting to burst any bubbles as I (like probably all the rest) have lost people close to me through cancer etc........

I do drop in on fah from time to time to help out.

but pretty soon Mother Earth will start fighting back - she just won't be able to support the population boom.

Again, I'm not saying the human race should stop expanding - just that maybe some consideration should be made into some other space to expand to.

Finding life elsewhere within our own little Galaxy just might proove to be the carrot for us to start looking outwards with more urgency.

Well thats my two penneth.......
Been doing WCG for a couple of years now (and also for the OCUK-team). What I like about WCG is that you get updates whenever they complete a milestone.
Whenever a project is done/a milestone complete you feel a sort of accomplishment :)

and I also like that you participate in several imortant fields of research, all of which is important for mankind.
- Clean water, efficient energy, fighting cancer and denguefever, fighting aids, researching more nutritious rice... all that is needed for our future survival.
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I've just signed up for this now, would be nice is had a OcUk team, but I assume anything cruched for this would add up under the general OcUk boinc team anyway?
Thanks we had a look at that one before but don't think it is related to us, or at least isn't official anyway, all of the other boinc projects have "OcUK - Overclockers UK" as their team name.
Thanks we had a look at that one before but don't think it is related to us, or at least isn't official anyway, all of the other boinc projects have "OcUK - Overclockers UK" as their team name.

yea sorry bout that :rolleyes: ... if it aint official then who have I been crunching for these last years? :p

Sorry for resurrecting a dead thread.

But between OCUK and "OcUK - Overclockers UK", which is the official one?

The "OcUK - Overclockers UK" team seems to have been set up on 04/19/2011...
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