World of Warcraft - Hunter

29 May 2006
Great Britain
Im a level 31 hunter and was looking for some help with pets.

Is it worth training elite animals as pets, do they have higher attributes or DPS.

Are raptors really the best pet to go for they do hit hard but dont seem as good as cats as they seem to attack faster

Any help or thoughts would be really helpful
ExRayTed said:
A quick,friendly reply would do wonders to welcome someone with only 10 posts to their name rather than the superior attitude you've displayed.

D+..See me after.

i dont mind its nice to get some helpful feedback
Silent-Lucidity said:
Get a boar. Boar's are the daddy!

Charge stun and eat anything. Look cool too if u get one from the instance in south crossroads.

Thanks for the idea not sure if a boar or scopinoid is better what instance is there at crossraods do u mean wailing caverns
Just a quick question ive seen people talking about stealth and low speed pets

and Im wondering do pets do more damage with lower speeds im using Humar

as he looks so good and is only black lion in the game also ahve a scopinoid to

tank sometimes and wondered is it worth giving my lion stealth as hes quite

quick as it is. Any help will always be appreciated
Lord-Jaffa said:
At the end of the day pets are useless at 60 so i wouldnt worry too much about it.

Boars if anything are the best, simply because they eat summoned bread :P

Are boars really better than bears because they eat everything aswell

I have to agree that pets are essential for hunters so many times they have

helped me out and Im only level 36 at the moment. Im using a cat as he has

Dps and more importantly can chase down an escaping enemy before they

alert more people.. When I get to level 60 Ill decide then if I still need my pet

till then I will take my pet wherever I go :D
Lord-Jaffa said:
Nice, wait till 60 tho when your pet dies from 2 cleaves of a raid mob or gets destroyed by aoes. Also i love how my pet tanks, well i would love it if he could outagro even my white MELEE damage, has no chance of holding agro vs bow damage. Everything changes once you get out of green items and hit 60. Pets do not scale with gear either which is great :rolleyes:

lol :D Yeah Ive been wondering about that aswell where the enemy comes

after me because I upgraded my gun to do more damge but with a slower shot

speed. Im now thinking about going to a lower Dps but quicker reload do you

think that would mean the pet kept more aggro that way?
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I know im being really dumb hre but what do you guys mean by BM is that an

instance like WC (wailing caverns) or another teminlogy. I know I lose exp

with feign death but it has saved me a lot of hassle sometimes especially in

instances as it gives me enough chance to get my health back with a

bandage then go back into the fight

Make sure its the name you want as you can only name your pets once. of

course you can go out and tame another pet thats the same if you want to

change its name but you will have to retrain all abilities and gain loyalty all

over again
so far Ive had a quite a few pets and I always keep the name as standard

untill I get to see how the pets move, atacks and so on, Ive had a wind

serpent call phoenix a bear called kuma a cat called ichigo and a wolf called

shadow. If you want to u can go to the lenghs of seraching for the right

colour pet just to suit a name you like.
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