World of warcraft questions

30 Jan 2005
Hey guys, would someone with wow be able to answer a few questions. They are.

Can paladins heal themselves, or just others like warcraft 3?

Do you get an features with wow like you ffxi such as your own email and chat rooms etc.

you can create chat channels, and there is a mail system within the game.

every class has the ability to learn first aid, but yes paladins have a heal as a skill
Well i like the idea of being a warrior, but i like to be able to heal myself so i think a paladins for me.

can you make your own army in wow like warcraft 3? and just to double check before i do make my characters, can paladins definatly heal themselves and not just others.
You only learn class specific spells. First aid is a profession, which anyone can learn, but it can only be used when you are not being hit, as that will interrupt it, and you can then not cast first aid again for 60s.
Paladins can heal, although their healing is not great, and generally wouldn't be good enough to heal a whole party. Saying that, I have played with a paladin as the only healer and it was ok.
All spells are bought from your class trainer. You can only learn the spells associated with your own class. If you're interested, there is a list of spells for each class at
My advice would be to just try the game, and see which class you like. It took me several attempts to get the character I wanted when I played it.
There are so many choices when it somes to Class..

If you think you will be soloing a lot then I suggest a Rogue or Hunter. A rogue can vanish/stealth and get out of all sorts of trouble.. Problem is there are normally a lot of rogues and you may find it harder to get groups at L60, that said they are very fun to play. The Hunter has a Pet which you can use a Tank if you like thus allowing you to shot from a distance and keep out of trouble, you also teach the pets skills as you level which add to their killing abilities. In high end instances hunters very rarely use pets unless for a "pet pull" but I'd say a good choice.

Priests "Healers" are also in demand but unless damage spec you may find healing groups a little boring, some people love it though, I don't.

Warlocks also have pets and at the moments they are pretty powerfull but some people find Warlocks hard to master. A druid is a little of everything rolled into one, they can change form to tank, heal, stealth etc.

For multiple damage "aoe" a mage is great they have awesome fire power and are pretty fun to play. The downside is as a cloth wearer they do not take much damage and some find they die a lot. That may be down to not fully understanding class or being in a group where agro is not controlled.. I found the mage good fun.

My main is a Warrior, as a warrior you tend to head any group and pull the enemys to you. You rely a lot on the healers but the whole group will probably be relying on you. A good choice if you want some responsibility, not the easiest to level probably but depending on what spec you choose can deal a lot of damage or take a lot of damage.

I also have L60 alts in Mage, Rogue, Hunter, Druid and played most classes.

There's lots I could say.. anyway questions just ask.

wow has 3 types of class imo:

all out attack (warrior, mage, rogue, hunter)
hybrid (shaman, paladin, druid, warlock)
all out defence (priest)

Its not as cut and dry as that by any means but it should give you an idea of what your after.

It is entirely dependent on your talent spending whether these apply to you or not.

I have a lvl 57 paladin and he bores the pants off me. He is too repetative. Also, once you turn lvl 40, you get your free horse but you become a bit lost. Platemail is useful but your not good enough to be primary tank, but also your heals are good but not good enough to be primary heal. Your stuck in the horrible off tank position, and due to the large number of palys, your going to be in lower demand for high level instances, and lower in the pecking order for phat loot. Imo they are the newby friendliest class.

A challenge class right now seems to either warlock or mage.

Im enjoying leveling my shaman right now, but I cant help wish i had rolled a priest.

Swings and roundabouts - and above all, this is just my opinion!
Damage: dealers: Warrior Rogue Mage Hunter Warlock
Support: Shaman Paladin
Healers: Priest Druid

but, each class has talent tree's to choose from to vary their abilities. So you could turn your priest from a healer to a damage dealer for example.
Why does everyone dislike paladins :( Very happy with mine :) And yes, paladins can heal themselves

Woot, 49 paladin :D
Shamans for the win :)

they are also a bit of everything rolled into 1, their healing is pretty good chain heal is useful, the've got some strong spells (earth shock) and totems are useful for groups. ive got a lvl 37 shaman, cant wait 2 level 40 so i can wear mail :)
the paly's in our MC runs are often in 2nd or 3rd place in the ranks of healing done, with our full tier2 epic preist in 1st place ofcourse:p most of the palys in the guild agree its the most boring class to play, but its personal preferance ofcourse! i like my rogue and mage seen as i like damage dealing classes, and especially my rogue as i like sneeking up on people :D also a nice addition to a paly is you get a free mount at level40 but your DPS is low, and your variation in battles is also very low from what i have seen, from watching other paly's soloing the fights usually consist of auto attack for a few secs, stun, back to auto attack for abit longer, maybe a heal then fight over. paly's are always wanted in groups though as they have a lot of abilities to help other party members, plus they can resurrect other players :eek:
level 60 pally here, and yes i can heal myself aswell as being main healer for a lot of the intsances the paladin is the easiest class to pick up and play but one of the hardest class's to master

wow is a primarily a group based game so i would worry about healing yourself either become a druid/pally/priest/shaman and heal others or become a warrior/rogue/mage/lock/hunter and let others heal you. just have first aid and lots of health potions on standby just incase
pally ... fight, loose fight, shield .. heal to full health ... hope ** opponent gets bored or runs out of mana, maybe dies of old age

they dont have enough damage to kill me, but i run out of mana before i can kill them :) = very annoying class

ps. warlocks rox0r and i definately think they give the most variety, depending on ** build you can do pretty much anything from tanking to being up there in the damage charts with rogues and mages .... which is why its also considered the most confusing and hard to play class, but that just adds to the fun :)
I really found it dull after a while being a hunter, ive been stuck on level 35 for about 7 months, every so often i go back, but i just cant get him going. I think with my pc being upgraded, ill get back into it again, but im looking at what class to play too, something exciting, i just dont know what that might be though.
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