World of Warcraft = Some questions please

4 Nov 2002
England - Leeds
Hey please can you explain a few things to me, I've been playing wow since beta, but I'm not a fanatic, and I don’t know anything compared to most.

Am in a guild, we do MC, and we been told to get our fire resistance gear sorted. So I got 79 fire resistance so far, am a hunter and been told to get to 150.

Anyways, the question is, how many points does it take to get from poor to fair? And how many to get from poor to good? And what comes after good?

for example is it like this:


And also what does 1 point of fire resistance do? how much fire damage does it absorb? And if 1 point doesn’t absorb anything, then how many points do you need to absorb some damage?

Thanks in advance,

SkScotchegg :D
Got this from their FAQ site.

How many points do I need to get my next rank?
This is one area where the PvP and normal experience system differ. There is no set amount of honor needed to reach a certain level. The PvP ranking system is based on the number of players engaging in PvP combat, and how good each player is in relation to other players.

Think of the PvP rankings as a curve, where the highest ranks will encompass the top percentage of players. While there are a finite amount of players who can be in the top ranks, the actual number will depend on how many other characters on the server are involved in PvP. The more players competing, the more players will be able to reach the top ranks.

go here to see more.
As a hunter you're allowed to say ... no. I dont ever put the fire resist gear i have on in MC, slows down the damage :) Your tank only needs the FR for geddon and ragnaros, most other classes benefit a lot from FR at rag too but tbh its only REALLY necessary for the melee classes.

But yes, resistances give you a chance to resist 25%/50%/75%/100% . You need 315 or something to get 75% resist all the time. Get fire resist gear for BWL instead :D
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