World record time again!!!! whomp there it is!!!

OcUK Staff
20 Feb 2012
John Smiths Stadium
Ok guys so I took out 3D mark 11 3 Card WR tonight. The main reason for this bench was tuning RAM in the hunt for 4 way 3D 11 40K+. Which we are to live stream from OCUK early next month. The score of 36670 which I achieved with 3 cards is not only a world record for three cards its also in the top three scores ever up against and beating many four card attempts.

As you guys know 11 is very sensitive to RAM settings so I put all four channels on X79 RIVE BE on LN2 to acheive a massive Physics score.

The details of the bench are:
4930K 6150mhz
ASUS Rampage IV Black Edition
DDR3 2700 7-11-7-22 1T
MSI 780 Lightenings 1580+ mhz Core

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and the HWbot link showing its record status!!!
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Well done, great work. Looks the better for being in on a ghetto rustic dining table! :D

That table has taken some serious hammer man!!! In from the garage to bench every weekend!!! Burn marks from blow torch and heat gun etc everywhere!!!
Next week not sure!!! This weeks not over yet!! Doing some live stuff at OCUk very soon where we will be going for 40K+ in 3D 11 and World Vantage record for starters!!!
It was insane I tell ya!!! Running round the table to get LN2 in furthest memory pot between every GT. Maintaining -60C on every card. Too cold they crash, too warm the same!!!!
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