World War Z filming in Glasgow

14 Sep 2010
World War Z is currently being filmed in Glasgow city centre. I've had a look around the last few days. They have really done a lot of work to the 'set'. The road markings have been changed to american style markings, the traffic lights have also been changed along with street signs. Lots of american style cars, trucks and buses have been shipped in and parked on the street.

My fav has to be the four or five army style Humvees that lined the street along side the SWAT vans. Most of the streets around George square are closed off for filming, but you can still walk down the street during the day. Lots of people running around taking photos and a buzzing atmosphere. Anyone else seen anything interesting?
They have actually cleaned the street, there's no way you can tell its Glasgow! If they went a bit further to the east end they can film all the post apocalyptic buck fast infected zombies they like!
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