Worlds first GUN MOUSE

This is more like the world's 14th gun mouse, actually.
Years ago there was an LTT/ShortCircuit video that kept cropping up on my feed with one of the earlier iterations of gun mice. Probably v1 of this, in fact.
I think the one with the ball joint on the muzzle also had force feedback, so not even the first one with recoil.
LGR did a gun mouse review a while back too, was shaped like an actual gun with a barrel etc. It was part of a general look at weird mice. I think he actually liked it if I recall.
It's not first for sure. Years ago ( I believe 2008 ) Zalman had a FPS Gun FS-1000. I've played with it in the computer store in Edinburgh. It's a gadget. Not really that great if you ask me :) . You need a lot o practice and not very comfortable
The new legion go has a removable controller that can be used like that. Dave2D did a review on YouTube. Not sure I would want to use it for more than just basic windows ushas
Funnily enough a colleague at work had an (old enough to have a trackball) gun-mouse modelled after a sig p320.

It made for an interesting morning chat but it didnt look particularly practical to use as a mouse.
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