Worst places in England.

7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
Worst places in England are anywhere with a high ethnic population.
I don't remember Stoke on Trent being all that stifled by ethnicity the last time I lived there 2002-2008.
Dump, full of arrogant delusional potters.

They had mosques but seriously the entire place is a fault upon it's self and as mentioned, jobs were stopped, there are so many buildings from former jobs empty.
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7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
I was born in Dewsbury and yes its pretty grim now ,back in the day there was an independent cinema and an M&S now its brighthouse a few charity shops and low end product shops and empty units.
The thing that gets me is the people there look beaten by life ,existing not living but i see that in lots of places i visit like Swindon for instance

You need to be where you love to be or you are wasting your life
I think the move to online shops has not helped any town though, where I live we lost a few good shops, it is mostly womens clothes shop, 1 extremely expensive clothes shop that sells mens gear and a Primark, but the upside is that we live in a prosperous place where development is always happening and changes happen.
Also as muich as some of us complain, it is amuch better place than others - Tamworth.

It helps that the place is not deeply rooted in industrial revolution.

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7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
I left Bentilee nearly 30 years ago when I joined the RAF, it was an extremely dirt poor council estate back then so something's changed to allow the people who live there now to have a house with a driveway and a Range Rover. No-one back then had a driveway, and if your 10-15yo (so made in mid 70's) car could pass a "genuine" MOT rather than your mates dodgy one then you were lucky, no-one could afford the equivalent of a RR Evoke back then. Hell when someone bought a car which was less than 5yo everyone thought they were posh or were dealers etc!

The "rich" area of Bentilee was a sub-estate called Eaton Park and was non-council so it was there that people had driveways and owned their houses. The local High School (BerryHill) took kids from both estates and the fights were epic in scale. IIRC (and I'm not 100% this was accurate) BerryHill was the first school in Stoke to get CCTV because of the violence (pupil vs pupil and pupil vs teacher) which after a year had to be upgraded to armoured CCTV as the kids deliberately smashed them chucking stones at them every chance they got etc and there was "Anti Vandalism paint" on every surface to stop the kids climbing up the poles to get to the cameras and/or getting on the school roof.

Ah great times :D

The biggest problem Stoke had to me (and this is generic, everyone's experience is unique) was that the attitude of adults of the vast majority on the estates towards getting out was "Don't improve yourself. I'm council scum and proud, my dad was council scum and proud and his dad was council scum and proud too so if you try to improve yourself then I'll drag you back as much as I can, because if you can do it then it shows I could have if I'd tried and I don't want to acknowledge that so you need to stay scum like me" so I'm eternally grateful to my parents who pushed me, even though it isolated them from our neighbours. Well thats my experience of Bentilee anyway, maybe other estates were different, well I hope they were because it was an absolute hell hole to grow-up in for anyone who wanted to "break free".
I went to James Brindley high, it was rough in there too but not on the level of some places in Stoke.
That school though was seriously low tier, it no longer exists.

Weird time for me I was a fostered child from a very abusive family, I have only just found out I was in a news paper.
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7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
Honestly, what is it with southerners? I grew up in London but my god, every single one that has moved in near me as an absolute arse hole. They have no concept of/consideration for others around them. They take no notice of the covenants and village traditions.

Literally it's a north/south divide. The only exception are the two couples from Cornwall who are both lovely.
Us Midlanders just watching the sticks fly over our heads from the North to the South and vice versa.
Sipping a cuppa Earl Grey as it goes.

Then when the cuppa is done, fighting with ourselves, midlands is just a fight vs each other rather than a more intercity debate.
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7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
Problem is even the nice places are doing down the pan. I live in a beautiful village just over the border from North yorkshire and used to be North Yorkshire but its dying. Every house that comes on the market is bought up as a holiday let and if it isnt, its people from down south moving in.

The community spirit is going and myself and my partner are starting to think about moving somewhere else soon.

ANyway back to the point, worst place I lived was Hackney North London and the second worse place was Lenton Boulevard in Nottingham. The year I lived there we had more murders than anywhere in the country including an old man who told two young kids off for queue jumping in the local chippy so one of them hit him over the head with a gatepost.......
7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
Erith is just as bad. Feels like I am in a different country when driving through there.

Like most truckers say the best road in London is the slip road coming onto the M11 Northbound. :D

The UK is like an Italy or Greece in the making anyway. In 100 years time the whole place will be a dump. If you have a chance to get yourself another passport. Get out while you can :p
This is the unfortunate truth, I saw it and have been on the cruise ship to Canada for a long time.
Not that things cannot go wrong in other countries, but I would rather try my luck.

I would rather avoid real dangers like a big bear ripping me apart than thinking humans are safe and then they f you over from behind.

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7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
We are getting some strange people.
Another new poster has joined recently and decided to not read what I actually wrote and then goes on to prove that what I wrote is what I originally told him :)
We are all strange in our own ways my dude, some just show it more freely, some are inscure about their strangeness and try to push it back so point fingers at others being strange.

But you have a point.

I am a strange one too, I can bridge different topics into the same one with out-there things because the majority don't dabble in actually trying to learn things that are not mainstream.
Most believe what they are taught and take it at face value.
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