Worth advertising business on social media?

24 Mar 2009
I was wondering if any of you chaps have used Facebook or Twitter to advertise your business. I don't just mean have an account with them and write the odd tweet etc. Wondering if paid advertising with these platforms actually work and bring in any leads.

Thanks in advance guys.
It somewhat depends on what your business is. Targeted social advertising can work really well if you're hitting the right demographic for your product / service. You can choose who you want to target when purchasing the ad space.

Why not give it a shot with a small amount to start with and see if it works for you.

Our work is architectural design and town planning, so in sense of target audience it could be anyone with a home or commercial business. Might try it, Facebook is £14 per day for 7 days = £98 worth a risk I guess.
It doesnt have to be £14 though, you can spend as much or as little as you like afaik. I've done stuff for a few quid a day.

Lowest on Facebook is £3 per day but reach is couple of thousand, for £14 it goes up to 11k to 30k. £100 for a week to get response from marketing ain't bad for us, even if we got one work it would easily cover the cost.
In case you're wondering about how the targeting side of things works:


Bear in mind though that due to the nature of your business, the results could be more on the slow burn side as people don't tend to click a link and drop £5k on a new plan for their house without a bit of research. It's more of a brand awareness campaign that you'd be going for, making sure that people think of your business when they're looking for similar services in the future.

Great link, thank you. Nearly all our work is word of mouth so I know what you mean when you say people do their research
I hope no one pays £5k for plans on an extension! We charge nearly half that!
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