Worth buying a macbook?

1 Jun 2007
Ill be of to university next year to study music technology, i was going to buy a vostro soon as i was planning on switching my desktop to a notebook for several reasons. When i went to an open day i noticed that the music technology department that i am hoping to get into is filled with macs! And i have heard that music producing/ editing etc is best done on a mac.

So i was wondering should i get a macbookpro/macbook or vostro?

Would it be worth getting it next year as technology moves on and my macbook might be outdated when it comes to use it in university?

What spec would be needed?

lol yea, i know it would be better waiting but i would quite like a laptop soon.
The only reason i would hold of untill next year is if i wil need the better spec for my course...

Thanks for the quick reply
so you think i should buy the mac soon to get used to the OS. Can you recoment any programs on windows (preferably free lol) to use to get some experience?

As far as i can remember they use: matlab? macmsx? protools?
Not sure on that tho...

Also, why are the macs a lot more expensive?

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Thanks, ive looked for a pro tools download for windows and cant find one that works. Could you link me to a site that has one? Or an alternative program?

I think i will wait untill next early next year and buy one... Seems like the sensible option!

one more question... You can run vista on the mac cant you? Can you have vista and *** mac os on at the same time and choose at boot up which one to load?
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