Worth Getting A New BT Line?

29 Sep 2004
Wilt of the Shire
With all the trouble I'm getting with my current line regarding broadband (BT reckon I can only get 1 Mb max even though I'm only 2 km from the exchange) I'm considering getting a new line put in. Is it worth it? Am I just going to be given the same crappy line as I've got now or will it be better?
I realise that. BT did a line check yesterday and told me I was 3.6 km from the exchange (2 km as the crow flies) but they said I would be lucky to get between 1 & 3 Mb download speeds.

Be ISP say I am 13 km from the exchange and insist that BT is wrong. Just not getting anywhere at the moment and it's very frustrating!
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